Popcorn & Movie Night!

Coleby waiting for his surgery. He was such a trooper!!!

Cheesy Faces ! Our Little HAMS!
Landen is doing good. He is on antibiotics for the next year as we try to build up his immune system. We ruled out CF, but he was SO close to the cut-off that they are really going to be cautious. For now, we are going to keep seeing the Pulmonologist regularly, but no more testing for him unless he starts to have more problems. (fingers crossed) If you haven't seen Landen's latest drawings, I will try to get a picture posted here in a few days. I showed him how to draw a smiley face & he is drawing them everywhere now! He is definately artistic like his Dad.
Coleby is seeing the Pulmonologist regularly. He is also seeing the Gastro as we try to see what is going on with his weight issues. He is NOT gaining weight and basically not growing to his full potential. Poor little guy. On top of food allergies, we are testing to see if there is something wrong with his espohagus (which is why we did the surgery), and continuing to monitor his immune system and asthma. Right now the biggest concern is getting him to gain weight!!! Coleby likes to watch brother draw & is REALLY into puzzles right now.
Debbie and I are painting Landen's room on Sunday!!! FINALLY...lol.
He has wanted us to paint his room ORANGE (UGH!), so I have avoided it. But, he finally agreed to a tan color, so we are going to tackle it and start the re-decorating. They are "big" boys now, so we are making the switch to "big boy rooms"! For their birthdays (I can't believe they are going to be 3 next month!!!) ....they are getting new bedding from Pottery Barn Teen (only place I could find soccer bedding). It's very fabulous (here are the links so you can see! )
http://www.pbteen.com/products/p3102/?pkey=x%7C4%7C1%7C%7C6%7Cfcdallas%7C%7C0&cm_src=SCH This is the one we picked for Coleby's room!
Brad & Deb have lockers that were in Cody's room that will replace dressers. And we have some autographed Landon Donovan & David Beckham Photographs to hang up. Their rooms will be SO grown up!!!
I will be sending out party invites soon. Mark your calendars. It will be Sat June 13 sometime in the morning to avoid the heat.
TTYS~Hugs. B