I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by.
They boys are almost 2 1/2~! Crazy how quickly it all goes by.
We are moving....again. We have decided to move closer to Nick's job and school, so we have found a home in Plano. We are moving at the beginning of January. It's a cute house & it's 5 minutes from Nick's office & close to the Dart Station so that he won't have to drive to school. The boys love this new house. It has huge trees & a great backyard. It's just walking distance from 2 great parks & the neighborhood is located at the Outdoor learning Center. Nick starts at the Art Institute in February--YAY! He is so excited. I am registered to take my Real Estate Exam Test Prep courses on Dec 27 & 28, and I will have to be signed up to take my test pretty quickly after that. We have had to put that off a little for financial reasons, but we are eager to get this done now.
Well, I don't think that I have missed anything! Merry Christmas Y'all~! I will post cute Holiday Pics soon~!