Well, to catch everyone up...
I am still working & getting ready to take my Exam next month. (really going to take it now!)
Nick is still working...a lot & hoping to get into school soon.
The boys are doing well. They are being 2~! They have been fighting an ongoing cold/upper respiratory infection for a few weeks now. Coleby is going to be having another surgery in a few weeks to replace his tubes in his ears because he is back to getting ear infections. They are really growing....we have had to completely replace their wardrobe because they are getting so tall.
We have a new member of the family... a little 10 week old lab mix puppy named Bella! She is SUCH a GOOD dog! Well behaved & SO SWEET~! Sassy seems to be adjusting well. She is definately cranky with a new puppy in the house, but this has really calmed her down.
Deitra and I are doing a craft show this weekend & we are really excited. We are showcasing her new Little Girls Clothing Line & I will be presenting some of my new clipboard, album, and frame designs. Cross your fingers that our business' do well~!