We love Nana & Papa~!
Smilil' for Daddy~!
It has been a while since I posted last. For some reason, the blogger wasn't letting me post. I have been trying for a month :( !
Anyways, we have been great. Kids growing like weeds. For those of you that I don't talk to daily, here's what's new.....
Nick is healing from a dirtbike accident. He dislocated his right shoulder and tore the ligaments on his collar bone. Doing better, not riding!
Coleby is seeing a nurtitionist this Friday to decide what to do about his weight. He has not gained ANY weight in over 10 months & obviously for a 2 year old, this is a concern. Hopefully this meeting will go well and he will start packing on the pounds.
Landen is just Landen. We are still working on his little temper (we'll attribute that to Mommy). He is starting to really communicate well.
I have started WORKING! I am working with Triumph Homes in NW Frisco on Mondays & Tuesdays. I am hoping to take my RE test by summers end & hopefully move quickly within the company to accomplish my goal of being a Sales Manager! The job is going well so far, so cross your fingers that it continues!
Well, I think that's it. That's about a month's worth of Milam gossip. Love Y'all!
GG & Double G...Coleby & Landen say "HI!" and "Lub U!"