Saturday, June 7, 2008

Trip to Tyler

The boys & I went to visit my Mom in Tyler this week. It was nice to just relax & not HAVE to do anything. We spent a lot of time with Granma & Grandad. We visited the Children's Park near her house. This park is beautiful. It is a park built/donated by parents of children that have passed away in their memory. It has children's names engraved in the stone paths & memorial benches...very sad, but beautiful. There was even a little park bench that said... "In memory of our glory babies that passed before or shortly after birth." My Mom and I stood at that one for a minute and took a moment to think about Bonnie & all of our friends & family that have lost a baby. Here are just a few pictures from the week.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More b-day fun~! 26 crazy years~!

Jen & Ben...amazing friends!

Deitra & Fritz...more amazing friends~!

Sweet Val & her invisi-date~!

Who's this crazy, goofy couple? haha

Oh, and for those who haven't seen me...btw, I cut my hair!
Summer is so much easier to deal with when you have shorter hair!

A Night of Fun...

Out for my b-day! Had a BLAST~! Love hangin' out with good friends~!

Deitra, Me, Valerie, & Jen.

Me & MY D~! Goofy Jen & Me...In the Car close up~!