It's been crazy around here, so I haven't had much time to update. I have been in school for 3 weeks, So now that I have a minute to update, this is what I got....
Coleby & Landen are doing great. With the exception of a little cold, they have been (knock on wood) WELL since surgery. Which is a huge blessing.
Nick is working A LOT, but he is making the best of it and trying to get our family out of a rut. He is such a strong person...this isn't easy on any of us, especially the boys, but he is handling it like a CHAMP! I can't wait to start working so that he can have a break!
I FINALLY finished my required classes for my Real Estate Exam. I am now just saving some money to go towards my application and Exam. Once I pass the exam, I can get a sponsoring broker and be working before the end of summer. YAY~!
My Mom is getting married this weekend in Tyler! So, we will be there for a few days spending time with them. The boys are going to be so cute in their little linen suits. Debbie and I had fun picking them out and the look ADORABLE. I will post pics once I get some.
Ok, I think we are caught up to current times. I will try to get better at posting. Hugs~!